Berth place for the season

Vessels up to 5,99m – 600 €

Vessels 6m to 8,99m – 700 €

Vessels 9m to 11,99m – 800 €

Vessels 12m to 14,99m – 900 €

Vessels 15m to 17,99m – Ask for price

Berth place through Smart Harbor

How exactly does the Westmeri Smart Harbor work?

  1. If you are a seasonal customer, you will be sent a link through which you can register
  2. Pay the fee
  3. Sign the terms
  4. It’s ready

If you are now reaching the gate or door, how do you enter?

  1. Take your smartphone out of your pocket
  2. Go to Smart Harbor
  3. Log in with the same username and password you used during registration
  4. And there are buttons in front, where you can open doors and gates

Electricity 10A

Drinking water



Toilet / Sauna / Shower

Using BBQ room

Using slip 5€

In + out

Using Sauna 1h - 20€

Up to 6 persons

Inquiry form